with parents
The educational role a parent has in the life of their child is vitally important and Biblical. We are thoughtfully aware of this God-given assignment and want to be intentional in how we work and partner with each family in our mission to develop young disciples of Jesus Christ who influence the world for the glory of God.

Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Students are allowed to be dropped off 15 minutes prior to the start of school, and must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after school ends. If a student has not been picked up by 2:15 PM, they will be entered into our After School Care Program at a cost of $12 per hour or portion of an hour.

Closures & Delays
Northside’s school closures and delays follow the Anoka-Hennepin School District #11, as we share a bussing system. Our school closures and delays are posted on channels WCCO-4, KSTP-5, KMSP-9, and Kare-11 by 5:30 am. You can also sign up with any of these TV stations and have them alert your smart phone about Anoka-Hennepin/Northside closings.

After School Care
We also provide affordable after-school care for parents who are not able to pick up their students at 2:00 PM. If you are interested in this service, please notify the school at 763-755-3993.
Time – 2:15 PM to 4:15 PM
Cost – $12/hour or any portion of an hour

School Lunches
We do not provide lunches for students. All students are encouraged to bring lunch from home.